dilluns, 19 d’agost del 2019

Torneig 3x3 de bàsquet Pedro Torres

Yesterday Sunday I went to Amposta to see the 3x3 basketball tournament organized by the August Festivities. The tournament has the name of my father, Pedro Torres, as a tribute to being the one who brought the basketball to Amposta. The teams competed against each other in two categories: senior and youth. In the senior category, the eight best teams played the playoffs in very close matches. My father was the one in charge of giving the trophies to all the participants. He was very happy to see the recognition they had given him by putting his name in the tournament.
When it was over, we went to lunch at Vintastik. I went with Neus, Josep Ramon, Carme and Josep. My parents stayed home because they were tired. Josep was in a hurry, he had to go see the football game of Espanyol. At the end of lunch, I returned to Riudoms and I took Èlia and Genís to the pool.

Port Calafat

On Friday we went to Port Calafat, a small beach near Hospitalet de l'Infant. We went with Olga, a second cousin of Èlia. The beach is accessed through a marina and entering a parking lot. There were people but the towels could be extended without any problem. The water was very clear and many fish were seen. With glasses and snorkels, they looked great. The children made an ice cream at the bar at the side. They had a great time.
Olga stayed to sleep the night before and all three were playing all morning to board games: Monopoly, Uno, Pictureka. After lunch it was when we went to the beach.

dijous, 15 d’agost del 2019


Yesterday afternoon we went to Prades. It is a mountain village 45 minutes by car from Riudoms. We like to go there because it is very cool and it is a place where you can take trips. We made one on the hollow rock, a very pleasant stroll through the woods. Montse found a plum with very good and small fruits. There we ate and returned to the village, where Lídia, the mayor of Prades, waited for us. Montse knows her because they coincided at the institute of Cornudella de Montsant and they did very good friendship.
Time began to freshen up and Lídia taught us the news of the town. In the square, well known for its fountain, there was a stage for a party at night. Bars were full at all. When it was late, we returned to Riudoms. Genís slept in the car.

dilluns, 12 d’agost del 2019

La platja de Cambrils

This summer we are going to the beach very often. We go to Cambrils which is the closest we have to. We usually go from six in the afternoon that is when it is better: it is less hot, people start to leave and are calmer. Genís has an energy that does not end and it's all the time doing things: swimming, making sand castles, playing soccer. We carry melon or watermelon for a snack, and when we get home we make it fresh.
But Genís likes the pool. Sometimes we both go to Riudoms's, Èlia does not come because she does not like her. He finds friends and spends all the time in the water. I take the opportunity to swim for a while, if I am lucky, I take one of the empty lanes that have prepared to swim. In fact, swimming is the physical activity I like the most. Now that I get dizzy when I run and I'm looking for alternatives, swim is one of these. The problem is that when the summer goes to the end, I can not do it, unless I get into an indoor pool to swim throughout the year. In Cambrils there is precisely one, maybe I'm looking to swim a couple of days a week.

diumenge, 11 d’agost del 2019

Pedro Torres, el pregoner

Yesterday we went to Amposta to listen to my father as a preacher for the Major Holidays. They have become a preacher because the Amposta Basketball Club was founded 70 years ago and he was one of the drivers. We went to the City Hall where the authorities received us. First, we entered the Plenary Hall to sign the minutes book. Then he took the picture with the "Pubilles" and went to sit waiting for the discursive ones. After the mayor spoke, my father entered to make the speech. He talked about his passion, basketball, and as the minutes passed, he felt comfortable. When finished, they gave him a book of photos of the town. Then we went to the river walk where he lit the fires of the beginning of festivities.
In the evening we went with my sister Neus, my brother-in-law Josep Ramon, Carme and Josep to have dinner at a restaurant. We ate very well and we were very quiet. When we finished, we went back to Riudoms where everyone was sleeping in the car. All except me, of course.

divendres, 9 d’agost del 2019

La Fira de Riudoms

This weekend is the Riudoms fair. Personally I do not like it very much, it's small and there are all the things you can find at a village fair, but its activities are not of my interest. Yes, my children like it, especially the little one, Genís. It takes weeks waiting for the fair to go on the attractions and last night he did it. He found friends and he had a great time jumping on the elastic beds, on the train of the witch, and on the shock cars. It all ended sweaty.
Then we went to dinner at a restaurant of the cousin of Montse who had assembled at the fair. We went Montse, Genís and I, then my mother-in-law added. Èlia went to dinner at home with some friends. The food was not bad, but honestly, I prefer to eat at home. When we finished, we went home to show Genís and wait for Elia to return from the fair.
As we waited, we watched a series on Netflix, Land Girls, which explains the story of four girls working in an English farm while men are in war during the Second World War. It goes well to say that in the afternoon we saw a movie related to the Second World War: Dunkerk, which explains the evacuation of the British troops on the Dunkerk beaches after the Germans overcame them.

dijous, 8 d’agost del 2019

Toyota Yaris

A month ago I changed my car. We had a Opel Meriva, but gear change was broken and the repair cost a lot of money. It took about 300,000 km, it was 12 years old and we thought it was time to change it. We were looking at three models that fit with what we wanted: a small car to get into the parking lot, and sufficiently spacious in the back. The models were: a Suzuki Baleno, a Peugeot 208, and a Toyota Yaris.
Finally we opted for the Yaris, a small gasoline car with good finishes and ten years of warranty. We hesitated to take it hybrid, but we dismissed it because we saw that it did not compensate for the price difference. The car goes well, the only problem is that it suffers to climb a slope. Damià, the one who sold my car, told me that I would give it time, and wait for the 1,500 km review where the parameters are adjusted to make the car go better.

Torneig 3x3 de bàsquet Pedro Torres

Yesterday Sunday I went to Amposta to see the 3x3 basketball tournament organized by the August Festivities. The tournament has the name of ...